May 16, 2011

So, for all of you in Montreal (and probably the surrounding area), you know that it has been raining non-stop, and that this spring over all has been extremely rainy. Well, I wonder how many of you notice all the worms on the sidewalk. I have started noticing them everywhere recently, and sadly most of them were unable to make it back to the grass after their venture out onto the wet cement, before either drying up or getting stepped on. 

Now, I am not fond of picking up worms, I wasn't one of those kids who would bravly pick up the wriggling creature and hold it in their hands infront of their mother or squeeling friends. I wasn't afraid of bugs, but worms were certainly not first on the list to play with. Many people are probably either repulsed, afraid or ambivilent towards these skinny, pink creatures, so in attempts to, at the very least, peak people's appreciation of them enough to not step on them, here are some cool facts about earthworms!

According to Wikipedia, "Egyptian empress Cleopatra reportedly made it a crime to kill worms in Egypt in 50 BCE due to their contribution to agriculture"
Which brings me to my next fact - worms are amazing composters, because they will eat through anything that was once alive, but is now dead. According to this site, earthworms "plow the soil by tunneling through it. Their tunnels provide the soil with passageways through which air and water can circulate, and that's important because soil microorganisms and plant roots need air and water just like we do"

Also, there are more than 3000 types of worms according to this site. Additionally, worms are hermaphrodites and cannot see or hear, and breath through their skin since they do not have lungs.

Finally, Charles Darwin said " may be doubted if there are any other animals which have played such an important part in the history of the world as these lowly organized creatures."
After reading these facts, do you agree with Darwin??

May 10, 2011

Check out this post by a UK blogger about Project Ocean

"Spearheaded by the retailer’s creative director, Alannah Weston and working in partnership with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Selfridges is kicking off its “Project Ocean” campaign this summer.  To call attention to the plight of the oceans—as well as the deleterious consequences of overfishing—the high-end U.K. department store is raising money in support of a new marine-protected area. "

"According to Selfridges, Project Ocean will take over its London store on a scale never seen before. From its iconic windows, façade and atrium, to The Wonder Room, foodhall and restaurants, the London store will transform itself in homage to the ocean, it said."

If you are in London go check it out! I say, stores like Holt Renfrew, Olgilvy's and The Bay ought to do this too.

For more info about our oceans and fish check out my previous blogs here, here and here.

Save Our Oceans