February 9, 2011

A great guide to keep in your wallet and have with you when you grocery shop:


  1. I really like this! Printed one for me, family and boyfriend. I think that it is worth it to take that extra step, ask questions, and find out about our food. Boyfriend and I are very big about that, particularly when it comes to choosing fish. We're both big on the conservation and protection of sharks (as well as other marine life). Sharks are on the road to extinction, and we're going to have a BIG problem when there are none left. Knocking off a major predator is a terrible thing. Swordfish is a great option, slightly pricey, but very delicious.

    And on another note (sorry if this is getting long...I really get into this), but it is equally important to ask questions about the method of fishing/farming/breeding and so on. This print out is going to come in handy!

  2. Hey Athena - glad to be of help : )
    And yeah, its a real shame what's happening to our oceans these days. People don't seem to realize that fish are not unlimited, and that all species are so connected to one another, you get rid of one and it screws up the whole system.
